Indian roads offer a whole new experience to the people driving on them for the first time. Also, the Indian road network is the second-largest in the world in size. With a hundred crore population, the number of running cars on Indian roads is uncountable. All these points sum up the everyday situation on the Indian Roads.
As mentioned above, the experience of driving on Indian roads could be both relaxing and full of mishaps. You will see daily cases of road-rage, accidents, and other mishaps that are mainly because of drivers’ negligence. Either they do not follow traffic rules or are reckless when it comes to driving.
Apart from all these things, the majority of accidents or mishaps that occur on Indian roads are because of bumpy roads. If the Indian roads are given a makeover, the number of accidents would fall to a greater extent. In this article, we have mentioned about such Indian Road hazards that one must never ignore while driving.
Out of every 10 roads in India, you will fond potholes in 5 of them. India is indeed a country with diversity in everything, even on the roads. Most of the time, these potholes are the reason behind the accidents and other mishaps. These potholes could be even a meter deep and if motorists drive his vehicle over them, he would definitely find himself in deep trouble in a few seconds.
Driving on empty roads gives a very amazing experience. Night time is perfect for this purpose. But, in the night time, you will find heavy trucks moving on the roads. What makes most of them dangerous is the amount of load they carry with them. These overloaded trucks are also a major reason behind most of the number of accidents.
Yes, you read that right. We are so much talented that you will find 5 or 6 stuntmen on every Indian road. These people are so reckless in driving and pose a threat to other motorists. You will find them driving on the wrong side, and driving in zig-zag patterns. They not only put their lives in danger but others’ too.
Most of the people who drive in the night are either come back from their work or going for an outing. In both cases, everyone want to drive smoothly and comfortably. But there are people, who constantly use high beam and blind yours for life. Looking at a high beam while driving not just makes you temporarily blind but also shifts your complete focus from driving the vehicle to protecting your eyes. It is one of the biggest Indian Road Hazards that drivers may face.
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